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MASTER ENGLISH: Join the ESL Revolution and Build a Better World.

Happy English Adventures eLearning Solutions. Let’s Roll!

Trusted Classrooms Worldwide

From private schools to multinational ngos.
Our team draws from our experience at these dynamic institutions to deliver you elegant eLearning solutions.

The Revolution is You

Believe in yourself. Imagine a life where you have the power to transform your destiny, no matter where you go or who you meet. Through your actions, you create your own path, based on the knowledge you’ve acquired and the lessons you’ve learned.

Don’t forget, you’re not alone on this journey. There are many who are willing to lend you a guiding hand. Teachers, family, and friends offer valuable insight and share their personal stories to inspire and empower you. Embrace the unique opportunity they present to gain new knowledge and experiences to better equip you in actualizing the vision you have for your life.

Whether you want to overturn a corrupt empire or simply just want to make a better world for your family, the choice is yours. Within you is the potential to ignite a movement that inspires others to explore their greatness. So, have faith in yourself and in the change you can spark. Believe in the revolution that is you!

Try Us FREE!
See just how amazing, how wonderful, how USEFUL Happy English Adventures really are!

Our team of talented designers and teachers have created not just any old eLearning course, but drop-dead gorgeous ones to leave your friends jealous. Plus, your parents will be popping champagne bottles in pure pride. Get ready to boost your learning to the max and have a blast while doing it.

Language Skill Focus


Asynchronous Learning

How We Do Homework

Homework is the most underutilized practice in school curriculums. More than extension for us it is the continuation of learning. Therefore our homework are designed to be steps towards completing the final project. 

main features

The academic tools and techniques in each course are complementary to class projects regularly assigned in IB, ESSA and Pearson curriculum schools. Together let’s complete book reviews, reports and science projects your school will brag about!

What Parents SAY about us!

Our team of professional educators understand our learners' sponsors want to see a return on their investment.
  • A must for trainers

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered...Read more

    JP Mcgraw

    ABC Inc.
  • Great platform for low cost courses

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered...Read more

    Martha Penn

    ABC Inc.
  • Quality hands on training tool

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered...Read more


    CEO, FinTech

Origin Story

A Dream Realized

Once upon a time not too long ago a man had time to think. No, he wasn’t in jail. He had chosen to run a marathon and somewhere around mile 19 in the face of side stitches and cheering crowds came an epiphany. 

When he returned home he met with community leaders, artists, and teachers to share his vision. A few months later they presented the Shine on St. Pete Mural Festival. This internationally acclaimed festival’s first community engagement was a STEAM inspired camp and their mural set tone for the rest to follow. This camp was the first educational solution designed by our founder, Aldo Fonticiella.

This clever guy excelled at empowering kids and beautifying his city, then took his chances in Burma. Determined to become an ultimate education superhero, he applies proven pedagogy to earn the admiration of parents and students because it gets results. Happy English Adventures are his answers to student requests, needs and realities in developing nations. They aim to train, equip and empower others to be the best versions of themselves.

what makes us different

The Values We Live by

Academic Integrity

Helping students and their families navigate the trendy gimmicks and ineffective technologies to give learners the proven tools used by the best teachers through incorporating a variety of teaching methods.

Meaningful Outcomes

No gold stars, silly stickers or grades. Make impressive Book Reviews, Science Projects, Music Videos, eBooks, and more. This is how it is when you grow up.

Independent Thought

Each product has 3 subjects combined. 1) Academic Skills, 2) Language Arts, and 3) a focus topic. Focus topics may be in science, history or any number of things. This encourages critical thinking skills learners must develop to be independent thinkers.

Collaboration Effort

An eLearning alley-oop to wow everyone with your ideas.

meet the team

Highly Qualified and Inspired

What our Faculty say about learning

"Learning never exhausts the mind." - Leonardo da Vinci
  • A must for trainers

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered...Read more

    JP Mcgraw

    ABC Inc.
  • Great platform for low cost courses

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered...Read more

    Martha Penn

    ABC Inc.
  • Quality hands on training tool

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered...Read more


    CEO, FinTech

One App for Any Device: Mobile, Tablet, Desktop & TV

The truth is not every learner has a laptop or desktop computer. Mobile data isn't getting cheaper either. So our courses are available to learners offline on whatever device is available.
Functional Mobile Design

Who says big screens are better? Embrace your pocket-sized wonder and let your thumbs do the scrolling. Believe it, this app will become your new favorite. COMING SOON!

Course pursue screen for students
Course creation module for instructors

Try us Free

The next 99 courses are on the house. Enroll now. Don’t lose your spot!

Administrator App

Manage the entire site, the students, the instructors and the store.

Instructor App

Create courses, manage students, import questions and get reports

Student App

Easy access to enrolled courses. Pursue courses, join meetings in TV.

Custom Features

All Wplms modules in the App. Conferencing, Calendars.

Have Questions? Get in Touch

Want to communicate with a real human being? We understand. Just send us a message and we will be happy to assist you!

We Love Readers!

It’s cool you to read too. Feast your eyes on ‘The Library’, our blog, for interesting articles, reviews and other brain food. Bon appettit!

Happy English Adventures © 2023 All rights reserved.